Queer Footprints
A guide to uncovering London fierce history
Queer Footprints Q&A sessions
Check out 'Never Going Underground' an exhibition I curated for the Museum of Youth Culture' celebrating legends across the UK who have brought so much Queer Love and Power to everyone they meet with their art, activism and movements for social justice
United Queerdom
From the Legends of the Gay Liberation Front

Consisting of key interviews with the founders of Pride from the Gay Liberation Front (GLF) and over forty contributions from activists who are continuing their journey for ‘Absolute Freedom For All’ ‘United Queerdom’ provides a toolkit for creative action for people hungry for freedom, new and old to struggles for justice. United Queerdom evocatively captures over five decades of LGBT+ culture and protest from the GLF to the 2020s. Showing how central protest is to queer history and identity this book uncovers the back-breaking hard work as well as the glamorous and raucous stories of those who rebelled against injustice and became founders in the story of queer liberation.
'Such shifts and new horizons will require new education for all of us, especially in schools and colleges. How we articulate the queer struggles of the past, and who gets to articulate them going forward, have never been more urgent questions for' our community.'
University of British Columbia
‘United Queerdom is a thing of beauty. Dan Glass has penned a memoir that pulsates with existential rage, solidarity, and tactical hope.'
​‘This is activist sass. Queer history IS protest, and this book uncovers the back-breaking, glamorous and raucous hard work of those who rebelled against injustice and became founders in the story of queer liberation. If you need to educate your friends a bit more about intersectional equality, this is the fun book to do it, effectively.

You of a better future
Foreword by Dan Glass,
afterword by Brooke Palmieri and cover artwork Hollie Buckle
In You of a Better Future, artist Graham Martin weaves cultural and legal analysis with recollections of his own coming of age and coming into his queerness. The book considers the impact of Section 28, an incredibly repressive and homophobic piece of legislation passed in 1988, how it came into force, the historical attitudes towards homosexuality that made its passing possible, as well an auto-ethnographic exploration of Martin’s personal experiences as they have been shaped by Section 28